The Objects Detail View

Navigate to Tools, and click on Data on the left navigation bar. Click on the Objects tab, then on a specific object in the list. The detail view for that object appears on the right and displays information associated with that object.

For standard Tendo objects, there are four tabs at the top of the detail view - Details, Fields, Alternate Keys, and Relationships.

For custom objects, there also is a fifth tab - Page Layouts. This example is for a custom object called Comorbidity KPI.

Details Tab

The following fields are under the Details tab:

  • Name - Object names must have the first letter uppercase in each word, but no spaces between words. An example of this style, called Pascal case, is ComorbidityKPI. The maximum total name length is 40 characters. The system will throw an error if there are any spaces, underscores, or other non-alpha numeric characters. Numbers are not allowed as the first character. This field is required.

Note: Because this is a custom object, its name has a __c suffix to designate it as a custom object.

  • Singular Label - The singular version of the Object, such as Comorbidity KPI. This field is required.
  • Plural Label - The plural version of the Object, such as Comorbidity KPIs. This field is required.
  • Description - This describes what the object does. It is not required, but it is recommended so that other users will understand the object and its purpose.
  • Last Updated

Editing a Custom Object

To edit a custom object, select it in the Objects in the list view. Then click on the … dropdown menu in the top right corner of the object’s detail view, and choose Edit.

This will bring up the Edit Object modal.

The modal will display the following fields:

  • Name - This field is not editable.
  • Singular Label - You can edit this required field.
  • Plural Label - You can edit this required field.
  • Description - You can edit this optional field.

Click Save to update the object. If any of the fields are missing content, the Save button will be deactivated. To cancel without saving your edits, click the Cancel button.

Deleting a Custom Object

Delete a custom object by selecting it in the Objects list view, then clicking on the … dropdown menu in the top right corner of the object’s detail view, and selecting Delete. A modal will appear that alerts you to the possible loss of data associated with the object, and asks whether you would like to proceed. You can choose Delete or Cancel.

Deleting the object will remove all data stored in it, all role permissions for it, and the object definition from the system. Canceling or clicking outside of the modal will return you to the original state before the model was selected and displayed.

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