How to Use Insights Explorer

The Insights dashboard is available to customer hospital admins who have been given appropriate log-in credentials and permissions in Atrium.

If you are a hospital admin, you can access the dashboard by navigating in Atrium to the Insights app in the upper left dropdown menu and clicking on Quality.

This is the dashboard you will see:

Viewing the Dashboard

You will have access to three different charts on which you can drill down to see information about the quality of care in your healthcare system - Summary of Comorbidity Opportunities, Comorbidity Opportunities by Specialty, and Scorecard.

Global filters

At the top, the dashboard can be filtered by date range, facility, and specialty:

Date range - The default is the previous month, but you can change the range by clicking first on the desired range’s start date on the left and choosing a date, and then doing the same on the end date on the right.


Specialties - Select the specialties you want to see results for by searching in the Specialties field and choosing from the dropdown menu, or browsing through the list of specialties and choosing one.

As you select filters, all three charts update to display the data you are interested in. If you choose not to filter anything, all of the data underlying the charts will appear.

Global Features of the Charts

The following features apply to all of the charts in the dashboard.

The color code

  • Missing comorbidities = rose color. These are missing opportunities in which providers did not diagnose comorbidities that patient data indicates exist.
  • Prevalence of comorbidities = blue color. These are the prevalence of comorbidities in the hospital system within a specified period of time

View Detailed Information

You can mouse over an element on a chart to view detailed information about it.

Zoom in on an Element

You can draw a selector box around an element to zoom in on it.

To return to the regular chart view, click twice on the element.

Top Right Controls

In the top right corner of each chart are the following controls:

Left to right, they are:

  • Export Chart - Click on this icon to export the current view of the chart to your downloads folder as a transparent png so you can insert it into presentations or reports.
  • Toggle Chart - This switches the x and y axis on the chart. You can click on it to change the axis, and then click on it again to return it to its default state.
  • Expand Chart - Click on this icon to expand the chart to a full-page view. In full page view, you also can select a portion of the chart to zoom in on it.


At the top of each chart, you can toggle legends on or off, and they will appear or disappear from the chart.

For example, on the Monthly Summary of Comorbidity Opportunities chart and the Provider Scoreboard, you can toggle the Missing and Prevalence legends on or off. On the Comorbidity Opportunities by Specialty chart, you can toggle individual conditions on or off. In the example below, only cardiology, geriatrics, and orthopedics are toggled on and visible on the chart bars.

Reduce the Range on an Axis

You can use the sliders on the Monthly Summary of Comorbidity Opportunities and the Comorbidity Opportunities by Specialty chart to narrow down the range of conditions. On the latter chart, Missing opportunities can be narrowed down in the same way.

The Charts

Monthly Summary of Comorbidity Opportunities

This chart displays missing opportunities where providers did not document comorbidities although the patient data indicated the existence of them. The chart also shows the prevalence of conditions. This chart enables hospital admins to assess the extent to which providers are thoroughly assessing and documenting patient comorbidities to improve both patient care and billing opportunities.

Comorbidity Opportunities by Specialty

This chart enables you to view comorbidity opportunities by specialty. For each condition listed on the left, you can see the percentage of identified comorbidities and missed comorbidities. This information is based on the US News rankings of hospitals' specialty care based on data sources.

Provider Scorecard

This chart shows each provider’s documented and missed opportunities to document comorbidities based on patient data.

Hospital admins can search for a provider’s name and then click on it in the dropdown menu that appears, browse the list for it. They can toggle Missing and Prevalence on and off to see the provider’s percentage of both. They can hover over a specific bar to see more information about it.

The table below this chart enables hospital admins to see detailed information about a specific provider for various conditions - number of encounters, number of documented cases of specific conditions, the prevalence of the condition, the number of cases where the provider missed documenting a condition, and the percentage of missing documentation.

Hospital admins can filter to the information they want to see, but have Read only permission. They can’t create, edit, or delete the charts, or access or export the underlying patient data that populates the charts.

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