Reports Roles and Permissions

In order to use Reports, you must be assigned roles and permissions to use the Reports feature in Tendo's system.

The following are the standard roles that provide the required base permissions to interact with reports.

Reports Author

This role grants permissions for full creating, viewing, editing, deleting, and sharing reports.

Reports Viewer

This role grants access permissions for users to view reports that are shared with them. Those with this role cannot see Create, Edit, and Delete actions.

To add these roles, an admin must add a user in Tendo Admin > Users and give one of the roles to the user or add the role to an existing user.

The user must have permission to use the Report object in Tendo’s system. To edit or delete reports, they also must have Update and Delete permissions on two other Tendo objects - Report Data Source and Tabular Report Configuration objects.

If the version of Reports that you are using is in another Tendo app rather than in Tendo Admin, you also must have roles and permissions that enable you to use that app and any Tendo objects that you need to access.

If you haven’t been assigned all of the roles and permissions you need, please contact your organization’s IT Admin, who will work with Tendo Customer Engagement to set them up for you. Tendo employees should contact Tendo Support for roles and permissions.

Note to IT admins: These roles only give access and permissions to Reports objects, so they must be used in conjunction with other roles that have access to User, Person, and Patient objects at a minimum. These can be Tendo-provided or custom roles.

Other objects must be added for the specific types of reports that the user needs access to. They can include both Tendo-provided and custom objects. For example, a custom Campaign role can be used with Campaign, CampaignEngagement, and CampaignRun objects for campaign reports in Outreach.

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