Intro to Reports

What You Can Do with Reports

Reports is a platform capability that enables healthcare administrators, providers, and staff members to easily create, configure, view, share, and export reports that surface data to answer their care and operational questions so they can improve care and reap business value.

Reports can be accessed within the Tendo Admin app as well as several other Tendo enterprise apps. Currently, Reports is available in the Admin, Outreach, Provider app, and QDI apps. You can access the data in a report based on roles and permissions that you have been granted.

Reports are based on Tendo Objects, which are the basis of Tendo’s platform, so you must have access to and an understanding of relevant Tendo Objects in order to create and run a report. Objects differ depending on the app in which the Reports feature appears, and some objects can be custom ones created for your healthcare organization’s needs.

Reports can be created, updated, and saved for later use. Data in reports can be filtered based on object attributes using an advanced filter builder.

You can use Reports to see at a glance the data you need, and configure your view of the data to include the attributes you want to see. This flexibility is at the core of the Reports feature, which can be used in a variety of ways to help you answer many patient-related and operational questions.

With Reports, you can:

  • Access data from Tendo’s business objects upon which the Tendo Platform is built.
  • View reports that have been created.
  • Create customized reports by selecting and filtering the report results based on one or more related object attributes. You can:
    • Select the fields you want to appear in the report. 
    • Sort the order in which you want the columns to appear. 
    • Filter the report based on searches.
    • Filter the reports by paired conditionals.
    • View a preview of a report as you are building it. 
    • Create tabular lists or summaries with grouped rows of results.
    • Navigate to individual record pages from a report.
    • Surface aggregations for numeric fields in a report.
  • Save reports for future use.
  • Export the results for future analysis.

Examples of How Reports Can Be Used

Here are some representative scenarios for Reports use. Reports also can be created on other objects and tailored to other scenarios.

  • An outreach manager can access the list of patients in a segmented audience who were recipients of a messaging campaign in the Tendo Outreach app, and analyze those patients' responses to the campaign’s messages and any actions they completed as a result of the campaign. Examples of actions they might take are scheduling an appointment or lab test. This helps assess the campaign’s success, identify patients who didn't respond to the campaign so they can be contacted by phone, and provide insights for planning future campaigns.
  • A provider and their staff can access a list of upcoming appointments by appointment type and other patient and provider attributes, and summarize the results based on selected attributes such as appointment status to review the progress of scheduling and appointment confirmation.
  • A provider and their staff can identify a list of patients based on certain types of encounters, appointment types, insurance information, and social determinants of health to follow up on next steps for their care plans or to meet other operational needs. The staff can summarize the volume of appointments by status for a specific type of appointment over a particular time period, such as the past seven days. The staff can identify patients with a certain range of observations during a specified time frame. The clinical staff can categorize the clinical range to view and group results based on category range for future appointments.
  • Providers and their staff can Identify patient cases that are at risk for certain conditions to monitor their progress or follow up care, as well as to review staff assignments to patient cases. A list of staff assigned to particular patients' care plans can be generated in a report.
  • Patient cases can be summarized to assess the patient load on each staff member. Patient cases can be summarized by time frames to review staff performance over time.
  • A CDI specialist and their staff can access a list of patients and other patient attributes in Tendo’s QDI app to help provide more insight and context for provider followups.

Users can run reports based on their roles and permissions as well as the specific use cases that require running certain types of reports in the various apps.

Terms and Concepts You Need to Know

A configurable report in Reports consists of queries on one or more objects that can be updated and run at any time as a result of your actions.  

Report Builder is an interface within Reports that provides authoring options for you to define a report by selecting object fields, filtering criteria for returned results, grouping results, and specifying the report format. 

Primary Object is the starting point for specifying where the data should be from in a report. Tendo’s data model is based on objects, such as an Appointment object, which have specific fields in which data is stored. To create a report, you need to specify what object the report is based on. The fields in that object then become the columns in the report, which is in a table format.

Related Objects are other objects that are related to the primary object via a relationship (for example, Patient object is related to Appointment object). You can specify related objects to include in a report.

Fields (columns in a report) are Object attributes that describe an entity. For example, in the Appointment object, there are fields such as the start time and end time of an appointment, the type of appointment (office or virtual), and the copay for an appointment. These fields are displayed in a report as table columns.

Dimension is an attribute that you can group rows by. An example is the status attribute on appointment.

Grouping is summarizing the results of (rows) on a specific field (columns). For example, you can group columns by a specific provider so that you can see that provider’s appointments.

Measure is a numeric value that you can aggregate, such as the number of appointment records so you can find out the volume of appointments.

Query Filters are filtering conditions you can place on various fields from one or more related objects to refine the results returned in a report. 

Report Formats

List reports show the information in a report in a list of rows. Here is an example:

Summary Reports show the information in a report summarized by a grouping of the data, such as this summary of patient engagement with a messaging campaign.

Private Reports and Shared Reports

Reports by default are private and can be accessed only by the owner who created them. However, the owner can share a report with others. Those with whom a report is shared must have access to the Tendo objects on which a report is based.

Report Filters

Reports can be filtered to focus on the information you need in the report list view, individual report view, and advanced filtering.

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