Individual Report Page

To access an individual report in the Admin app, navigate in the top left dropdown menu to Admin and click on Reports on the left side navigation bar. In the list of reports, locate the report you want either by searching for the report in the top search bar, or by browsing through the list.

Click on the report's name. You will be taken to the individual report, where you can view the report's details.

For example, this Campaign Engagement List report shows a granular view of the patients to whom an outreach campaign was sent, actions they took on a message they received, and other related details.

Actions You can Take on an Individual Report Page

In the top right corner are a series of actions you can take on a report.


Export your report in a CSV file by clicking on Export in the top right corner.


Click on the search icon to display the search input field in which you can add search terms to filter the list view.

For example, to find a patient named Loren in the Campaign Engagement list, you can filter the view by clicking on the search icon at the top right and then inputting her name in the search field.

Click on the search icon to the left of the input field, and a dropdown menu will appear. You can choose the following options to refine your search:

  • Fuzzy - Brings back results that are an approximation of your search term.
  • Contains - Brings back returns that your search term contains.
  • Starts With - Brings back returns that your search term starts with.

Show/Hide Filters

  1. Click on the funnel icon in the top right corner. A row will appear on the table that has a search field for each column.
  2. In the column of your choice, input a search term.
  3. The table will filter to show only rows that contain that search term.

To remove the filter, click the x next to your search term. To remove the row of search fields, click on the funnel icon to hide it and toggle back to the previous view.

Show/Hide Columns

Click on the column icon on the far right top corner.

You can toggle all of the columns on or off by clicking on Hide all or Show all at the top of the dropdown menu.

Alternatively, toggle each column on or off individually using the blue toggle switches to the left of the column names.

Increase the Number of Records That Display

To do this, navigate to the bottom right of the screen, clicking in the rows per page field, and choosing a number from the dropdown menu.

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