Advanced Filtering

You can do advanced filtering in the filter component of the Report Builder to further customize your report. This requires that you are familiar with the possible fields that are part of the Primary Object that your report is based.

You can set up any of the fields in your Primary Object and related objects as conditions and filter the results with advanced filter conditions.

An example of advanced filtering is filtering an a report that is based on the Appointment primary object and that you filter by Provider Name (i.e. Charles Coleman MD), Appointment Status (i.e. Scheduled), Location, Appointment Start Time, etc.

Using Advanced Filtering

  1. Enable filtering by adding filter conditions.

You can add a condition by clicking on the + Add Rule button on the right side of the Filter section in the Report Builder. When you do this, a row will appear. Choose a condition from the dropdown menu on the left.

Depending on the object on which your report is based, you will see many or a few different conditions that you can choose from. You also can remove conditions so that you can view all appointments across all providers.

Scroll or search through the list of fields. The filter dropdown will display the following options, as shown below:

  • Fields from the Primary object of the Report, including Standard and Custom Fields
    • For example, all fields on the Appointment object.
      • Fields from objects related to the Primary object, including Standard and Custom Fields
    • Other related fields such as Encounters, Patient, Location, etc. also can be filtered on.

Expanding one of the related objects such as Provider will show fields from the Provider object.

Note: Currently, system information such as Created by is not available for filtering in reports.

  1. Specifying the filter criteria

Once you have chosen one of the options, you can click on the small dropdown menu to the right and choose one of the operator symbols to set the parameters of what you want to appear on the report. Here is an example. The options will differ depending on the condition you choose. They allow you to fine tune how you want conditions to appear.

On the next dropdown menu to the right, you can input conditions to see Charles Coleman MD’s patients. You can continue to add conditions to get more specific results, such Appointment Start Time.

You can search for a field that you would like to add to the report in the search bar of the field selector.

Add one more condition to filter results for Charles Coleman MD AND Appointments where start time is in the last 30 days. This will enable you to view Charles Coleman's past appointments. Alternatively, a filter can be added for upcoming scheduled appointments.

Each Filter Condition displays the following inputs in the UI:

  • Field Name - The full path will display, including the Object on the right and field name on the left.
  • Operator criteria
  • Filter Input Value

You also can add a group by clicking on the + Add group button and then adding conditions to a group so that they are nested within the group on the report.


Filter Operator Reference for Reports

Filter Operators supported by Field type

  1. Saving the Filter and Viewing the report

This report has been configured to show results based on pre-specified filters on Provider Name and Start Time. A user can't change these filters on the view page of the report.

Other Advanced Filtering Features

Filtering by Relative Time Periods for Date and Date time fields

You can apply filters to dates, such as the example below, which is the Patient’s last Echocardiogram date in the past three years.

That will give you the list of patients that meet that criteria.

The full list of relative time periods supported in the filter builder

Operator Time Period
In the next





In the last





Older than





After next





When filtering with conditions such as in the next or in the last, data from the current date is included in the results. For example, filtering on appointments where start date time is in the next 7 days will include appointments with a start time of today.

Searching for fields

You can search for fields during filtering by inputting fields into the input field.

Copy a Filter Condition using the Copy icon

AND/OR Condition Logic

  • When adding AND conditions - Only data that meets ALL conditions will be returned.
  • When adding OR conditions - Only data that meets any of the condition will be returned.
  • When adding conditions without adding a group, only AND or only OR logical filtering can be used at the same time.

Grouping Filter Rules

  • Grouping conditions enables additional complex filtering such as Adding a group to have AND logic when the rest of the criteria is specified as an OR logic.


Advanced Filtering supports up to:

  • 30 filter conditions
  • 5 filter groups
  • 3 cross-object filters

If you attempt to filter past these constraints, you will not be able to save the report.

Advanced Filtering vs. Table Filtering

Filtering on the table results will narrow down the results that are returned based on the filter input that the user provides. This filter is applied in addition to any advanced filter that may have been configured on the report.

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