Object Record List Page

An individual object is represented by the table in this view. Each row represents a specific object record, and each column represents a field associated with the object. For example, the table below is a list of specific appointment records. The first column is patient names, some of which are redacted here, and the other columns represent fields associated with the appointment records.

Actions you Can Perform

You can perform the following actions using the controls in the top right corner.


Click Export to export a CSV file of the object record list to your computer.


Click the magnifying glass icon to open a search bar in which you can search for names or other data that can help you find specific object records. Click again on the magnifying glass icon on the left of the search bar to open a dropdown menu that gives you three options for searching:

  • Fuzzy - Allows you to use search terms that are approximations of an item. This is useful for broad-based searches.
  • Contains - Your search term must contain the name of what you are searching for.
  • Starts with - Your search term starts with the same letters as the term you are searching for.

Show/Hide Filter

Click on the funnel icon to show a field at the top of each column. You can input a search term to filter the table. For example, inputting the name Christopher in the search field at the top of the Name column on the Appointments record view brings up all appointment records for patients named Christopher.

Show/hide columns

You can show or hide particular columns that represent fields in an object by clicking on the columns icon in the top right corner. Toggle columns on or off by clicking on the blue toggle buttons next to the columns. You also can Hide all or Show all columns.

Adding a Record

To add a new record to an object, click on that object in the list of objects. In the top right of the Object list page that appears, click Add in the upper right corner. An Add [Object name] modal will display. Add information about each of the fields that helps define how the object looks and functions in Tendo apps.

To save time, you can click on the field and choose a object instance to use as a basis for your new record. For example, if you want to set up a new record for a patient’s heart valve appointment, and an existing appointment type is among options listed in the Based on dropdown menu, you can use it as a starting point to create your record.

The fields that are available to configure vary depending on the object upon which your record is based.

Viewing an Existing Record

Click on a name to drill down into a detail view of the object record. This example is an office appointment record for a patient named Christopher Johnson. The columns that were on the previous view now appear as fields, some of which include information about this patient’s appointment.

Editing a Record

To edit an existing record, click on the blue Edit button at the top right. A modal will appear in which you can edit the information that has been input into each field. The specific fields differ depending on the objects, and different fields may be in differing formats. For example, you could be asked to input text in one field, select an item from a dropdown menu for another field, or select a date in a date picker for yet another field.

When you have edited the information in the fields, click Save. Your changes will now appear in the individual object record.

Deleting an Object Record

Navigate to an individual record and choose the rose colored Delete button in the top right corner.

You will see a modal asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Confirm.

To view and interact with an individual object record, click on the hyperlinked Name.

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