Individual Object Record Pages

An individual object record page shows you an actual instance of an object record.

This example is an office appointment record for a patient named Christopher Johnson. The columns that were on the previous view now appear as fields, some of which include information about this patient’s appointment.

Editing a Record

To edit an existing record, click on the blue Edit button at the top right. A modal will appear in which you can edit the information that has been input into each field. The specific fields differ depending on the objects, and different fields may be in differing formats. For example, you could be asked to input text in one field, select an item from a dropdown menu for another field, or select a date in a date picker for yet another field.

When you have edited the information in the fields, click Save. Your changes will now appear in the individual object record.

Deleting an Object Record

Navigate to an individual record and choose the rose colored Delete button in the top right corner.

You will see a modal asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Confirm.

On the specific object record view, click on the Related Lists tab to see more information related to the object record.

For example, under the Related Lists tab for patient Christopher Johnson’s appointment object record shown below, you can see related aspects of his health care.

What is displayed under this tab depends on what information is available in the patient’s medical records, but it could be possible to see information about a patient’s appointments, care cases, care plans, care teams, consents, encounters, data ingestion, insurance plans, account, payments, and wallets, depending on whether such information is available in the patient’s medical record.

When you click on one of the related lists' name in the list view, a detail view of the list opens on the right. For example, for Care Activity, you can see that there is one appointment, the date, the provider name, that the appointment is scheduled, and the patient’s ID. This list could include multiple care activities.

The columns that are visible for each category vary depending on the fields associated with that item, so the Payments list, for example, would have a column for Due Amount.

Click on the blue Add button on the top right.

A modal will open up that will enable you to add a care activity and information about it.

Click on the name of a specific Care Activity to see its detail page, with information that has been added to it.

Click Edit at the top right. A modal will display on which you can update the information about this item, which in this example is an appointment. Click Save.

Click the rose colored Delete button in the top right corner. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. Note that deleting this item here will impact information that is available in some other Tendo apps that draw on the same information.

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