Intro to Dashboards

Configurable dashboards are embedded in various Tendo apps, in addition to residing in the Tendo Admin app. The dashboard and report features in Tendo work hand-in-hand. A dashboard is a collection of charts, each of which is a visualization of data that is in a report. The categories and computations defined and filtered in a report support the columns, bars, pie wedges, tables, and other visualizations displayed by a chart. 

Users can create, edit, and save their own dashboards directly inside Tendo desktop apps that contain the dashboard feature or they can view dashboards created and shared with them by other users.

Drilling down into a chart in a dashboard can take a user to its underlying report, which can be either a list report with grouped columns or a summary report. What you see on a dashboard is based on the filtering on the reports, so if a report is edited, the change is reflected on the dashboard on which it is based.

Drilling down into the records in the report then in turn provides access to the source data.

Use Cases for Dashboards

Outreach Analytics - Population health and campaign managers at healthcare organizations can use the Dashboard feature to monitor execution, progress, and success of a messaging campaign in real-time.

CDI - Specialists and Team Managers can use dashboards to streamline how cases are managed, balance staff, and compare performance over time.

Appointment and other Activities- Clinical administrators and clinical support staff can monitor clinical appointment loads and other patient cases with dashboards. Hospital managers can use dashboards to surface relevant insights for their work, and physicians can use dashboards to focus on patient clinical care.


Roles and Permissions

Users must have the correct roles and permissions plus access to a Tendo object called Dashboard in order to interact with dashboards. There are two standard roles for dashboards, and all actions on the dashboard view/edit states are subject to access control:

  • Dashboard Viewer - Can view dashboards and reports that are shared with the user.
  • Dashboard Author - Can view, create, update, and delete dashboards and reports that a user has created as well as modify dashboards and reports that are shared with the user.

Users need access to reports because they are a data source for dashboards. There are two standard roles:

  • Report Viewer - Can view reports.
  • Report Author - Can view, create, edit, delete reports that a user has created as well as modify reports that are shared with the user.

In addition, users need roles and permissions to access the Tendo app they are using Dashboards in.

To create a dashboard, one or more reports must be configured in advance.

To delete a report or a dashboard, a user needs to be the owner of the report or the dashboard.

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