Creating and Configuring a Dashboard

Creating a Dashboard and Adding Charts

Click + Create Dashboard on the upper right corner of the Catalog List.

A modal will appear. Input the name of the dashboard and a description, and click Create.

This will take you to the empty dashboard canvas. To add a chart to your dashboard, click Edit.

In the upper right corner, click + Chart.

This will take you to the Add Chart modal where you can create a visualization.

Select the report that you want a chart to be based on.

Note: The steps are similar if you are updating a previously existing report.

The Chart Title field populates with the report name by default, but you can change the name if you want to.

At this point, you can edit the dashboard.

Select a supported visualization type from the row of icons. The following types of visualizations are options, but depending on the type of report you have chosen, some options may not work for your report.

  • Bar
  • Column
  • Line Chart
  • Pie
  • Funnel
  • Counter (single metric)
  • Table (list or summary)

As you make choices in the input fields to configure your chart, a preview of your visualization will display and change on the right side of the modal.

For example, in the example below, we’ve chosen Column for our chart type, and added an Engagement Category for the X-axis. The Record Count is by default selected as the Y-axis value. Record count is the total count of records in the underlying report.

The engagement categories are different types of actions that patients took upon receiving messages in a message campaign.

Select the Sort order. When selecting Y-Axis, Descending, the categories will be ordered from the largest value to the smallest value, based on the value of the Y-axis.

Select what you want to stack by so that the visualization will display additional grouping by another criteria such as campaign name.

You can choose to change the color theme of the chart to any of the available themes besides default - blue, red or green.

If desired, check the checkbox next to Display Data Values to display those values on the chart.

Click Add to add the chart to the dashboard.

Adding Other Visualizations

To add other visualizations, click + chart again and configure another chart, which will appear to the right of the first one.

Here are some guidelines for different types of charts:

Line Chart

A Line Chart is best at visualizing time series data where the dimension of the data is a date or a date time field. The dashboard will dynamically display Time Period Options to group the date-based data:

  • Month/Year - Visualizes by month, year
  • Day/Month/year - Visualizes daily aggregate
  • Year - Visualizes at a yearly aggregate
  • Month - Visualizes by month of the year such as Jan, Feb, Mar across years


When you add a table in the report, it will appear on a new row on a dashboard.

Tables on the dashboard display up to 10 rows by default. Rows can be adjusted in the configuration.

Pie Chart

  • Wedges on a pie chart are represented by the field Group By on the configuration page.
  • You can select Group By (for wedges), Value, Aggregation.

Funnel Chart

  • Funnel Charts require the selection of a Group By (representing a slice of the funnel).

    Steps for each event to aggregation

    • When the underlying data requires aggregation to represent the cumulative summary of a funnel, adding steps will aggregate for each event step the total record count for that step.

Adjusting the Browser Size

The dashboard layout is responsive to the browser size. Minimizing the browser will adjust the layout from three visualizations on a row to two.

Moving Charts

To move a chart widget from one place to another on the chart, drag and drop it on another chart that is where you want the first chart to be. The first chart will give way to the dropped one, and will move to be the next widget in line. Total Patients contacted is in the first position.

When dragged and dropped on the Campaign Engagement Summary chart, Campaign Engagement Summary will be moved into first place, and Total Patients Contacted will be moved into the second position.

Editing a Chart

To edit a chart, first click on Edit on the upper right corner of the dashboard.

Then, on an individual chart’s upper right corner, click on the … dropdown menu, and select Edit.

An Edit Chart modal will appear. Modify any of the input fields as needed, and click Edit. The new version of the chart will appear on the dashboard.

Deleting a Chart

Click on the … dropdown menu on the right of a chart on the dashboard, and select Delete.

Viewing a Report

You can view a report on which a chart is based in four alternative ways:

  1. On the dashboard, hover over the upper right corner of the chart. A small edit icon will appear. Click on it to go to the report.

  1. Click on Edit in the upper right corner of the dashboard. Then click on the … dropdown menu in the upper right corner of any chart, and click View Report. You will be taken to the report.

  1. While adding a chart in the Add Chart modal, you can view the report upon which it is based by clicking on the View Report link that will appear after you select a report to base your chart on.

  1. While editing a chart in the Edit Chart modal, you can view the report upon which it is based by clicking on the View Report link just above the Report name.

Note: It can be helpful to right click on one of the View Report links above and choose Open in New Tab so that the dashboard will remain open if you want to return to it.

Sharing a Dashboard

The owner of a dashboard by default is the user who creates it, and the person who can share it. This is the same as the sharing pattern followed with reports.

As with reports, the user can share a dashboard with other users as:

  • Viewers
  • Editors

Sharing a dashboard doesn’t provide users with automatic access to reports. The author also needs to share the source reports used in the dashboard with the users for them to able to view results and navigate to the report.

When a user has been granted access to a report, they also can see the dashboard on the dashboard list.

The owner of a dashboard can share it from the View or Edit states by clicking on the … dropdown menu and selecting Share.

A modal will open in which you can search for the names of people you want to share the dashboard with. When you have selected someone by searching for and selecting their name or email, you can choose in the dropdown menu on the right of the search bar whether to grant them View Only or Editor permissions.

Below the search bar, in the list of people with whom you have shared the report, you can click on the dropdown on the right and change their access permissions by selecting Editor, Make Owner, View Only, or Remove.

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