QDI Cases List View

An Atrium login and roles-based access are required to use QDI, so you will need to contact Tendo Support to set that up for your position.

Once that is set up, you can log in using your EHR credentials via SSO or directly.

In Atrium, you should see the QDI Cases list view when you log in. If not, click on the drodown menu at the top of the main left navigation bar and select QDI from the dropdown menu. This should take you to the Cases list view.

You can triage, review, and manage cases, prioritize critical cases, and streamline your workflows here.

Case List Management / Work Queues

The Cases view that appears displays a table with a list of patient cases that is the environment in which you will manage cases. Each row represents an individual patient case associated with a patient encounter. Each case may contain one or more conditions or comorbidities.

Based on the clinical documentation, the system provides automated and tailored coding suggestions for specific conditions associated with each case. (For example, if Heart Failure is a condition that was identified as an opportunity, the system suggests codes associated with Heart Failure). You will validate and adjust the coding as necessary to prioritize cases and patient care.

Each column displays relevant information about the listed cases:

  • HAR (Hospital Account Record) numbers - These numbers are used to keep track of charges, payments, and adjustments related to hospital or technical fee billing of patients. They are usually specific to a single patient encounter, and are linked to a single patient and a single guarantor account. Click on a HAR number to see a detailed view of the case that you can edit.
  • Comorbidities - Patient conditions suggested by the system based on the patient data are displayed. You can filter cases based on comorbidities.

  • Owner - The CDI specialist to whom a case has been assigned. You can sort or filter cases based on the Owner.
  • Progress - The table calculates and displays the progress of each comorbidity based on its status (pending, complete, or null), and counts the completed comorbidities toward the overall progress of the case. It includes all comorbidities associated with a given HAR. The overall progress for a HAR is represented as a fraction, such as 1/3. This means that the patient has three comorbidities, and the coding status of two of them are complete but one is pending resolution.
  • Priority - The system automatically prioritizes patient cases for review based on criteria such as admission date, case complexity, and patient condition. The table displays the priority of each case using values: Low, Medium, and High. By default, priority is displayed in ascending order with High at the top, then Medium, and then Low. You can sort or filter cases based on priority.
  • Modified - The table displays the date when a case was last modified, allowing you to quickly identify the most recently updated cases. This column is updated when a field on a case is edited, an unassigned case is assigned, an assigned case is reassigned, a field on an opportunity is updated, and when the case is closed. The cases by default appear based on the most recent modified date, but you can also sort them by earliest to most recent.

    Case Age - The table calculates and displays the age of each case in days as the difference between the current datetime and the datetime when the HAR was created. You can sort cases based on their age.

    Query Status - The system displays a query status for each case based on the status of all of its comorbidities. The status is Pending if a CDI specialist has sent a query to a provider about a case but the provider has not yet responded or accepted the CDI specialist’s suggested change to their documentation on the case. If a query has been answered and the status is Complete, the displayed value will be Complete. Tracking query status helps ensure timely resolution and completion. You can sort the cases based on the query status.

    • A single case can contain multiple comorbidities.
      • If one condition’s query status = Pending and another’s status = Complete, the Case Query Status = Pending.
      • If all the conditions in the case have a status = Pending, the Case Query Status = Pending.
      • If all the conditions in the case have a status = Complete, the Case Query Status = Complete
      • If all the conditions in the case do not have a status, the Case Query Status will be null.
      • If one condition’s query status = Pending and another’s status is blank, the Case Query Status = Pending
      • If one condition’s query status = Complete and another’s status is blank, the Case Query Status = Complete


  • For quick access to different subsets of cases, click on the tabs at the top of the page to see views that have been pre-defined for different purposes. The tabs include:

All cases - This default view shows an overview of all cases in the entire case list.

Unassigned - All cases that have not been assigned to an owner. When the owner column in a case’s row is empty, it has not been claimed by a CDI specialist. You can claim a case in one of two ways:

  1. If you want to claim a single case, click the blue Claim button in the case row to assign it to yourself.

  1. If you want to assign one or more cases to yourself or someone else, you can either:
    1. Select the checkbox on the left of a case you want to assign, then click the … button in the column and choose Assign Cases.
    2. Or select the checkboxes of multiple cases, then click the … button in the top right corner and choose Assign Cases.

A modal will appear on which you can select a specialist to assign the cases to.

When you click Assign, a small message will appear at the bottom right corner of the screen to indicate that the cases have been assigned to that specialist, and the cases will disappear from the Unassigned table view.

In Progress - This tab displays cases that have been assigned and are in progress. In this view, you can focus on active cases that require attention, many of which have pending queries out to providers.

My Open - This view displays only the cases that have been assigned to you and are open so you can concentrate only on those cases.

Watching - If you have done some work on a case but would still like to watch it for some reason, such that as the patient is still hospitalized, you can do so by assigning it to the Watching list.

  1. Click the … button on the right side of the case row, and select Watch.
  2. Or select a checkbox next to a case, then select the … button from the top right corner of the screen (next to the filter icon), and select Watch Cases.

Closed - The Closed view lists only cases that have been closed. To close a case or cases:

  1. From the … button on the right of the case row, select Close.
  2. Or click a checkbox next to a case, click the … button in the top right corner of the screen (next to the filter icon), and select Close Cases.

Sorting the List View

You can sort the case list based on criteria displayed in the columns to quickly find specific cases, queries, and other relevant information. For example, cases can be sorted by priority by clicking on the up or down arrows at the top of the Priority column. When the up arrow is active, the column displays high priority items first, then medium, then low. When the down arrow is active, low priority items are shown first. Items also can be sorted by the date they were last modified, Case Age, or Owner.

Searching for Specific Cases or Groups of Cases

Search for specific cases or groups of cases by searching on HAR, Comorbidity, or Owner. The page will display only cases that include the criteria that you searched on.

Filtering the Case List

To apply filters to narrow down the displayed case list. click on the filter icon in the upper right corner.

A filters drawer will display that enables you to select the priority, owner, and/or comorbidity you want to filter for by choosing options from the dropdown menus.

In this example, cases were filtered for the Obesity comorbidity.

Quick Actions

  • You don’t need to open a case to perform some actions. From the general case view, perform quick actions by clicking on the … button at the end of a case row and choosing Assign, Watch, or Close to a case.

Bulk Actions

Select multiple cases and perform bulk actions on them by clicking on the … button on the right of a case rows or the top right corner and choosing Assign, Watch, or Close.

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