Viewing and Editing a Role's Details View

Once you have created a role or identified an existing role that you want to adjust permissions for, click on that role in the Roles list view in Access. To the right, you will see a detail view of the role you selected. You will see four tabs at the top of the detail view - Details, Applications, Objects, and Systems.

This article is about the Details tab.


In this view, you can see all of the detail information about a role:

  • Name - The _c suffix at the end of the name indicates that it is a custom role.
  • Display Value - The name of the role in standard langiage with spaces.
  • Description - The role's purpose.
  • Role Group - If this is false, the role is an individual role. If the value is true, the role is a role group with other standard roles in it.
  • Role Assignments - A count of the number of people to whom this role has been assigned.
  • Group Member Count - This lets the user know that this role is in use in a role group This number tells the user how many role groups this role is part of.
  • Last Updated
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Only standard roles, not custom ones, can be part of a Role Group.

Editing a Role

The information on the Details tab is Read Only for Tendo-defined roles, but you can edit a custom role by clicking on the role in the roles list view, then clicking on the … button in the top right corner. Choose Edit from the dropdown menu that appears.

An Edit Role modal displays. You can change the name (in Pascal format with no spaces and the first letter of each word capitalized), and the display value, which is the Role’s name in standard English. You can change the type of role in the Type dropdown menu, and add a description for the new role. Click Save.

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