Creating or Editing a Notification Template






On the Templates tab at the top of the Notifications list view, click on the blue New Template button.

A New Template page where you can create your template will display.

Note: A similar Edit Template view will display if you choose Copy or Edit next to a specific template in the template list view, but will be populated with content for the template that you chose to edit or copy.

Enter the name of your new template, and then choose its notification category from the dropdown list.


Click Email to open the rich text editor and create the email version of your template.

Input the Subject of the email that you want to appear in patients' email list view and the email..

To save time, you can insert an existing template that is formatted in the way that you want the email to look by clicking on Insert, then choosing Insert template…

A modal will appear that will allow you to choose the Tendo email template or another email template that has been branded in the style of a customer’s branding. Click Save, and the template will populate the email content area.

Click in each section of the email template to create the notification that you want to send.

Copy and paste your content into the rich text editor, and change the way it is styled on the rich text tool bar by choosing and sizing fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc.

Images - You can add an image in a template by clicking in the place in the template where you want the image, then on the Insert menu at the top and choosing Image.

An Insert/Edit Image modal displays. Click Upload on the top left.

The modal changes so that you can drop in your image or browse on your computer to upload it. The image must be in png or jpg format.

The source will change to a url for Tendo’s blob service. You can add an alternative description.

You can change the width and height of the image. To change it proportionately, leave the lock icon locked.

To change the vertical and horizontal proportions, click on the lock to unlock the proportions, then type in the proportions you want. Then click Save.

You can now see your image in the template.

Once you have brought the image into your template, you can adjust its size further by clicking on the lower right corner and dragging up and to the left to make it smaller, and down and to the right to enlarge it.

When you click on an image, a small panel of tool icons displays. These controls enable you to edit your photo. Left to right, the tools are:

  • Rotate the image clockwise
  • Rotate the image counterclockwise
  • Flip the image vertically
  • Flip the image horizontally
  • Open Image editing options, which include crop, resizing, orientation, brightness, contrast, RGB color levels, gamma, and invert.

Click on any of these to adjust your photo.

When you choose to open image editing options, you can select the following actions from the toolbar above the image to edit it:

  • Crop
  • Resizing
  • Orientation
  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • RGB color levels
  • Gamma
  • Invert

This will enable you to edit the image itself.

Click Apply.

When it looks the way you want it to, click Save. The edited image will display in the template editor.

Links - You can change the text on the Call to Action button by selecting it, and then clicking Insert and then Link... at the top left of the Email section.

You can insert a link on a button, in the body text of the message, or on a customer logo. To do so, select the element that you want to be linked, then click on Insert and choose Link….

A modal will display in which you can add a URL, Title, and choose whether to open the link in the current window or in a new one.

Note: When a patient clicks on a URL for an outreach campaign message, the system updates Campaign Engagement records so that the Engagement Category field in Outreach will update to Clicked. The system tracks the channel the link was clicked from, such as Clicked from SMS.

To enable this, configure a shortened URL by adding the url function as the Call to Action link on the messages.

You can configure a shortened url by adding the url () function to the Call to Action link as follows:

{{url(<longUrl>)}} (e.g. {{url("")}}, or {{url("")}})

When the message is sent, the url will appear automatically shortened, and when clicked will record Click events in the system.

Tables - Insert a table by clicking on Insert, choosing table, and then choosing the number of rows and columns you want to include.

Special Characters - Select Special Character from the Insert menu, and then choose the character you want to add.

Emojis - Select Emojis… from the Insert menu, and choose the emoji you want to add. Click Close.

Horizontal Line - To create a line break between sections in your email, you can choose Insert and then select horizontal line.

Anchor - You can add an Anchor by putting your cursor where you want to add an anchor, and adding the ID for the anchor. Then click Save.

In the Edit menu in the Email section, you can Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste as text, Select All, and Find and replace…. by either selecting one of the menu items or using the keyboard shortcuts.

View - Sometimes to troubleshoot a message template, it is necessary to view the source code. Go to View and choose Source code. You can scroll through the code, and copy it by selecting Copy code in the lower left corner. Switch between dark and light mode by toggling the Dark/light mode button on or off. The T+ and T- buttons enable you to increase or decrease the visible font size.

You can edit the code, and then click Save. Your changes will be reflected in the message.

The Visual Aid option under View enables you to see the message without blocks between portions of the message. If you want to see the blocks, select View Blocks under the View menu.

Format - This menu includes a variety of format options that enable you to customize the text the way you want to - font changes, headings, blocks, align, line height, text and background colors. You also can clear formatting.

Table - This menu includes options for changing cell properties in a table, such as border and background styles, inserting and cutting rows and columns, colors, and specifying cell spacing, alignment, and height.

You can personalize the message by choosing Insert, then TQLA Expression, Editor, and adding an object that will bring in values such as a person’s given name.

To test an email before sending it, choose Test Email in the top right corner of the email section, and add your email address. Click Send Test Email.

Check your inbox to make sure the email came in, it looks the way you want it to, and the links work properly.


When you have completed the email template, close the email section, expand the SMS section, and write the SMS message.

You can author an SMS message as plain text or a TQLA expression. To test an SMS message, write your message, then click Test SMS in the right corner of the message field.

A modal will display in which you can input a valid phone number that you can check to make sure that the SMS displays properly in a message. Click Send Test SMS, then check your test message to make sure it was sent.

This modal also has JSON input. If you can use JSON, this can help you troubleshoot problems with the SMS message.


Then write a Push notification. You need to enter the Action URL, which is the url of the place in the app where the patient can confirm the appointment, and the Title of the message, then the text of the message itself.


Add the In-App message, for which you also must include the Action URL, and the Title of the message.

When you have completed all of the messages, click the blue Add button in the upper right corner of the template to add the template.

If you are editing an existing template, instead click the blue Save button in the upper right corner.

The template will then become visible in the Template list view and will be available for use in a workflow, such as for an Appointment Scheduled workflow that includes notifications for pre-appointment tasks, or for an outreach campaign workflow that includes sending messages.

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